die Onleihe24. Uni-Wissen How to Write an Essay


Uni-Wissen How to Write an Essay

Uni-Wissen How to Write an Essay

Optimize your exam preparation Anglistik/Amerikanistik

autor: Aczel, Richard

serie: Uni-Wissen

año: 2014

idioma: Englisch

tamaño: 120 p.


This book is a practical step-by-step guide to essay-writing for students of English. In seven chapters it leads the student through all the basic techniques essential to good essay-writing. These include: how to analyse essay questions; how to write an essay plan; how to construct persuasive arguments, well-structured paragraphs and convincing introductions and conclusions. There are also tips on how to avoid the most common mistakes of essay-writing and on how further to improve your essay-writing technique. Sicher im Studium - die Reihe mit dem Grundlagenwissen sämtlicher Teildisziplinen des Studienfachs Anglistik / Amerikanistik
información sobre el/los autor(es):

Richard Aczel is a foreign language assistant in the Department of English Studies at the University of Cologne. Richard Aczel ist Lektor im Englischen Seminar der Universität Köln.

título: Uni-Wissen How to Write an Essay

serie: Uni-Wissen

autor: Aczel, Richard

editorial: PONS

ISBN: 9783129391051

categoría: Materiales de no ficción & auto-ayuda, Idiomas, Idiomas individuales, Inglés

tamaño del archivo: 1 MB

formato: ePub

2 ejemplares
1 disponible
0 reserva

plazo del préstamo: 21 dias